Wise man say..only fools rush in....
Let me tell u a story...a funny and some may say disgusting story...remembered in my previous blogs i did mentioned there's a species that always to find ppl fault..always tried to show to others that "SHE's" the best....this time..the best thing happen to her. Recently, our receptionist whispering to me that she had bad experience..so called shit experience.... In our office floor, we have 2 toilets for ladies. One is for executive (which no one except Jenab used it) and the others is the normal toilet which every ladies in this off goes for thier big n small business including me. There were 3 single door in the toilet. The first door is toilet bowl + pipe, the 2nd door was the toilet bowl w/o pipe -which for sure I wont use this!!.. and the last one the squat toilet with water /piping.
As usual my normal use will be the 1st one....else if occupied then i will choose the 3rd one..So happen, one day our receptionist (who confirmed will use the last one...u see, I knew each of them on which toilet they will choose. As for the receptionist and the other girl, they are not used to the toilet bowl (kampung type, ha ha ha...choose the traditional type) will go to option 3. So after she had her business (do no big or small..dont ask..) she noticed that someone entered the 2nd toilet before. After washing her hands, she was trying to get the tissue paper from the 2nd room toilet and saw something that she shouldnt see at all.........a shit!, which was not been flushed by the GOOD soul. The way she told me, it was so huge, and could not understand how the hell ppl who throw that out not using water to clean it?...cant imagine sorry!..and she was confirmed who the culprit was and the culprit dont even wash her both hand..yuck!.....we had a laugh when she told me the story and i was simply teased her to flush that ....finally i was been flushed by the cleaner..the good soul cleaner. We discussed about that and cant imagine ppl doing that and been wondering how did she handle her own toilet at home!..gosh...
Few days after the incident, the 'GOOD' Soul her self told me one day, when she intended to go out for meeting and asked me to call her on her mobile, she pop out the story...her hp was been flushed to the toilet a day before...and its completely rosak.......poluted by her own shit ..ha ha ha..I was not showing my suprised but pretendly show my sympathy..aaah hate to be hypocrite...but what to do?...
And when I told the cleaner and the receptionist..we had a good laugh...this is what we called...Punishment from GOD. Doing bad thing to other or aniaya orang lain akan di balas....
what do you all think??
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